unlike many schools, attending Hyakkaou Private Academy prepares students for their time in the real world. Since many of the students are the children of the richest people in the world, the academy has its quirks that separate it from all the others. By day, it is a normal school, educating its pupils in history, languages, and the like. But at night, it turns into a gambling den, educating them in the art of dealing with money and manipulating people. Money is power; those who come out on top in the games stand at the top of the school.

due to the intricate gambling system instilled in the school, every student is required to bet and gamble against each other.

― in order to gamble, every student must place a bet with each other (in the form of money which will be explained later on) and a simple game.

― games can be done in a multitude of ways: a plot on the tl / a simple conversation / a game done in dms / a game done in a gaming platform (e.g. plato)

― before any game starts both parties must agree on a starting amount of money to bet (minimum limit is $500 and one can continue to add on bets in multiples of 50)

― once the game is over, winner takes all (if the both of you bet $500 on this game, the winner takes back his money + the losers)

― both parties are required to tell the games account the amount of money the have gained/lost against each other. if both parties do not inform games, the game is considered void and not counted for in the scoreboard (to be explained)

― if you make a bet on a game that requires a mutual party to watch over (such as hunger games) please dm games, they will be happy to help.

gambling in this school means nothing if you do not posses one thing: money. once again in here, Money is power; those who come out on top in the games stand at the top of the school.

― before entering the school you are required to state your social economic status to the academy. low / middle / high; this status determines the starting amount of money you receive to bet.

― low ses: $5,000 / middle ses: $7,000 / high ses: $10,000 (when choosing your status dont always be tempted to go for bigger and more! that might be your downfall in this place too!)

― as previously stated you will be using this money to gamble, with e minimum limit of $500 each time. once your total amount of money reaches below this limit, you are in whats known as the debt zone

― once in the debt zone your goal is to get out of it as quickly as you can by gaining more money, if not - you risk bankruptcy

― once you have $0 you are officially in bankruptcy and you are held captive by the person who takes your last penny. you are required to do all their commands and obey all their wishes until you gain enough money of your own to get out of the debt zone.

― note: players in bankruptcy are still allowed to bet and play with people however, if they lose and have no money to give they are required to do a dare / command to satisfy the amount of money they are unable to pay (these will be decided by the winners if the games you play against)

― gambling isnt the only way to gain money! you can beg.. or steal (with consent) or a little help from the student council could go a long way..

for ccs and tccs: you have to use your own money that the roleplay has provided for you in order to cc or tcc thus; a tcc costs $250 per change and a cc costs $500 per change. so use them wisely!

the student council consists of four young individuals, who run the student body, keep the school records and most importantly: instill the gambling system of the academy. these four souls are, name, name, name and aris young.

― with the student council, if you challenge any one of them to a game; they are required to say yes. you can use this to your advantage, but be careful not all is what is seems.

― you can also seek help with them, if you are in bankruptcy or the debt zone, if you ask money/ for a loan from any council member; they are also required to comply. however, they have a 100% interest rate. (e.g. if you loan $100 from a council member, you are required to pay back that $100 in one week and another $100 in the next)

― failure to repay back what you owe to the council ensures immediate bankruptcy and you are once again in their control until you manage to get out of the debt zone.